Brad Pitt Bisexual and So Is Angelina Jolie?

brad pitt angelina jolie bi


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Bi?

Recently, news came out that Brad Pitt is bisexual. Well, at least that what the folks at Star Magazine have been reporting. Here at Couples Counseling Center, you probably know that we like to cover celebrity couples from time to time. For example, we blogged about some of the chitchat surrounding Channing Tatum’s alleged bisexuality and his marriage.

Given the enormous popularity of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, we figured it might be fun to go with it for a moment and assume that what The Star has reported is true.

In other words, just for the purposes of this post, we will take the gossip at face value. It’s not like we haven’t explored the topic of bisexuality before in previous posts anyway.

Before we comment on “the news” that Brad Pitt is is a bi-boy, let’s quickly review what has been published (See below). 

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7 “Facts” from the Bi Story in The Star Magazine

1) Brad Pitt allegedly has hired male escorts for hookups.

2) He’s been “bi” for at least 10-years, according to the Star’s source.

3) He apparently has specific tastes in men.

4) When he found a dude he liked, he made a “routine” out of it.

5) Oh yeah – Angelina Jolie is “bi” too.

6) She doesn’t care that Brad is bi because she’s “into girls”.

7) Brad apparently tried to hire a former adult video star.

Stirring Up Feelings

We work with plenty of individuals and couples here at the CCC and the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie story has started popping up with clients. Speaking in general terms, the entire matter has stirred up lots of thoughts and feelings for some of our clients about their own romantic relationships and by extension, how they sexually identify.

Celebs and Orientation

Anytime celebrities and orientation are mentioned in the media, it has a way of impacting fans (even casual ones) psychologically and emotionally. Perhaps this is why so many people put them up on pedestals? Remember, they are human beings – just like anyone else.

What we would like to remind folks is simply this – human sexuality is not something that can be packed into a neat and tidy box. Like most things in life, it’s a little more complicated than that.

human sexuality brad pitt angelina jolie

If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are a bisexual couple, they will be joining millions of other people who make up part of the LGBT population. That is if they choose to identify as bi. If they do, right on! If they don’t – does it really matter?

We would also like to state that it is not that unusual for couples, regardless of their primary sexual orientation, to have open marriages/relationships.

We are not advocating these types of relationships nor are we judging them. We are stating that they do exist and are more common than you might think. 

brad pitt bi star magazine

Does it matter?

We have no earthly idea if the information reported in The Star is true but we do know this – we love watching Brad Pitt in movies and totally dig Angelina Jolie on the silver screen (she’s also a great producer and director!).

The important thing to keep in mind when seeing these types of sensational “news” stories is that there’s nothing wrong with being bi or gay. 

We have included a poll below for you to vote on this issue and have come right out and asked: Would it really change your opinion of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie if they are in fact a bi couple?

1 Comment

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