10 Required Ingredients for Making Cute Couples!

cute couples

Cute Couples Ingredients

By: Dr. John Moore

Don’t you love looking at cute couples pictures? Most people do. Let’s face it, there’s something about a cute couple that catches everyone’s attention. Here at Couples Counseling Center in Chicago, you might be surprised at the number of people who come to us seeking information about the topic of “cute couples”.

No – it’s not that these folks want to make it on some type of Tumblr board. Instead, they are looking for guidance and insight on how to be happier, much like the couples they see depicted in websites that feature happy, loving couples.

Cute Couples 101

Here’s the deal – cute couples just don’t happen. It takes some serious work to pull off what you see going on in those photographs and none of it has anything to do with aesthetics.

You see, in order to be a truly cute couple, it’s important to have 10 ingredients in the mix for the camera to pick up a genuine, one of a kind moment.

What follows are those 10 ingredients. Some of these items may strike you as obvious while others will cause you to pause in reflection. Read them all so that you are able to fully absorb their deeper meaning.

Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!

10 Things for a Cute Couple
Cute Couples – 10 Things

1) Happiness

Happiness is something that really can’t be faked. A couple is either happy or they aren’t. Cute couples are able to be in a state of happiness when they are together because they enjoy being in one another’s presence. This means loving the person for who they are instead of who we want them to be. Deep stuff, huh?

2) Transparency

Another ingredient for making a cute couple is transparency. This means the relationship is empowered by honesty and is generally devoid of toxic secrets and/or hiding behaviors. We have found that when two people engage in active listening, transparency increases.

3) Fun

Couples that are truly cute know how to have fun together. This means engaging in activities that increase intimacy and joy. Fun is never one sided but instead, mutual. This is an important knowledge area if you want to be a cute couple so give this one some thought.

4) Laughter

Going hand in hand with fun is laughter and cute couples do this in spades. In order to laugh, it means not taking everything so seriously. It also means finding humor whenever possible, even when rough patches pop up.

5) I Love You

I love you is a very real part of what makes up a cute couple. The words, “I love you” should never be said in jest. Instead, they are spoken with deep meaning and conviction. Nobody can sum it up better than Neal Diamond in his song, Yesterday’s Songs (Saying I love you).

6) Intimacy

Couples who are genuinely cute know how to create intimacy and do not fear closeness. Creating intimacy isn’t just some random bedroom experience. Instead, it is a shared moment that occurs through a dualistic journey. Watching a good movie together and then talking about it later is just one example of how cute couples tap into this dynamic.

7) Trust

A key component for making a cute coupe is trust. While this may seem obvious, there’s actually more to it than you might think. Trust means being with someone and not living in fear of abandonment or infidelity. Many couples struggle with this ingredient because of past relational baggage.

8) Sexual Energy

Most all cute couples are attracted to one another. That attraction is emotional and physical – which can translate into sexual energy. Increasing physical awareness and by extension, a couples’ mutual attraction, is a major aspect of couples based sex therapy. If you are missing this component in your relationship, working with a therapist might help.

9) Joy

This one may sound silly but it is totally true. Couples who are cute know the importance of joy. This means they live in the here and now and are able to embrace all that the moment has to offer. Joy means being grateful for the other person and also being happy for them with all your heart when good things happen to them. Jealousy is never part of the dynamic.

10) Space

The final ingredient for a cute couple is space. Yes, that’s right – space. There’s an old saying that goes something like this: There is a reason the pillars in Rome are built far apart. In truth, this metaphor is completely accurate when it comes to cute couples. You see, it is important to give a mate “space” so that the relationship doesn’t become codependent. Happy, strong couples also know when they need to give one another “a moment” in order to avoid an ugly fight.

Cute Couples Final Thoughts

So there you have it – 10 ingredients for cute couples. Sure, some of what you read here is a bit simplistic but the most enjoyable things in life often aren’t complicated.

If you are hoping to learn more about what makes a cute couple, we encourage you to pick up a copy of the book, Lessons of Lifelong Intimacy by Michael Gurian. Inside you will find lots of practical advice on how to make your relationship stronger, happier and … cuter!

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